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Our objective at LETTERAELLE is to ensure our clients a service based on teamwork by profiting from the synergetic work of our partners (translators from English, French, Spanish and German; editors, copyreaders, illustrators, graphic designers) and their different expertise and skills. ¬

The services offered by LETTERAELLE do often imply all-round management of the production process of a given literary work - a sort of "turnkey publishing" - a method which has proven quite popular with publishers as well as associations, missions, churches or prospective authors looking for a quality way to publish a book (or a manual, a brochure, an evangelization booklet) or to create and launch a website.

What is more, all-round management of all the processes involved in each and every editorial project results in improved efficiency and scheduling. This working method has been tried and tested to ensure professionalism, adherence to timing and an extensive overview on the different challenges: as a result optimal, targeted solutions and suggestions can be devised for each instance. We heed our Clients and meet their requirements. ¬

LETTERAELLE is also available for managing any single phase of the publishing process:

editorial advice turnkey product
script appraisal service marketing and press review
translation service ebook
revision of translations evangelization booklets
copyediting and content editing info newsletters
proofreading newswire services
ISBN assignment creation of corporate identity
layout and graphic design web design (buttons, banners and websites)
process layout subscriptions management
pre-press activities catalogues
print, binding and finishing brochures
print on demand (short runs) advertising graphics

Editorial advice and script appraisal service
Reading and evaluation of unpublished texts (e.g.: essays, manuals, serial installments on different topics). The first evaluation is free of charge and not binding on the Client. Detection of any issues with form or substance within the text and suggestions for any possible improvements. ¬

Translation service
LETTERAELLE provides accurate translation services from/into English, French and from Spanish and German. Our team is made up of qualified and skilled translators with biblical expertise, assisted by experts in biblical languages. Prior to delivery, a second professional translator will perform editing by checking every translation for quality, word choice and consistency. Our editorial agency shall preserve the confidentiality and security of the information provided by the Client. All information, material and translations collected will be kept confidential and will not be disclosed in any way without written consent of the Client. ¬

Revision of translations
The translated text is compared to the original text. Such synopsis is needed to check consistency, lexical choice, adaptation of language and dialogues, coherence and accuracy of the contents. ¬

Copyediting and content editing
Revision of the manuscript is intended to identify any problems with text structure. Critical analysis and stylistic revision are also performed. Working on a manuscript means not just checking for spelling errors or misprints but, most and foremost, improving the uniformity and understandability of the text by reporting any wording inaccuracy, repetitions, style issues, syntax and grammar errors. ¬

Final proofreading implies a thorough revision of the text for misprint detection and improvement of both presentation and readability (paragraph format, new paragraphs, font format, spacing, correct use of italics and quotes etc.). Corrections/changes are entered onto a copy of the laid-out, paginated text. ¬

ISBN assignment
The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a number code that uniquely establishes and identifies internationally one title (book or book-like product) or one unique edition of a title from one specific publisher, thus conferring a sort of "official" status on the publication and allowing for more efficient marketing an cataloguing by booksellers, libraries, universities, wholesalers and distributors. in the "Giornale della libreria" (the official organ of the Italian Publishers Association), which is distributed to booksellers by the local ISBN Agency. More specifically, the ISBN code (printed on the book's back cover) certifies that:
1. the book was published by an actual publisher (as registered as such at the Chamber of Commerce, VAT Registry etc);
2. the book is referenced in the "Giornale della libreria" for the bookseller (or librarian) to retrieve information about the publisher and distributor - if any - of the book the customer is asking for;
3. the book title and author's name appear in the "Catalogue of books in print" (issued yearly, available for consultation in bookstores and most libraries);
4. the work was entered in the world circuit (82 countries) publishing;
5. the book is available from online bookstores (e.g.: Internet Bookshop Italy and Unilibro). ¬

Layout and graphic design
When you express yourself and your own identity - whether verbally or pictorially - you clearly mean to reach an interlocutor. This is why it is crucial to adopt a graphic style in line with your very own gist and mission (namely, your identity). LETTERAELLE benefits from an inventive graphics staff for the design and creation of book covers, logo designs, folders, brochures, catalogues, advertising flyers, corporate identity. ¬

Evangelization booklets
LETTERAELLE offers a customization service for booklets and tracts by having the name & address of the Client (association, church or mission) printed on every copy. ¬

Info newsletters
We can manage the news and the text contents of the newsletters being released on a fixed time basis from the Client's website or institute, so that users can be informed about the news and changes being brought about in the service. Press releases reflect a company's image: the ability to convey one's own values to all possible interlocutors is a powerful promotional feature. Communication by either printed matter or on the Web involves dynamic exchange of information and is an extraordinary means for stating your identity and sharing your values. ¬

Newswire services
Promotional campaigns and submission of press releases to editors, websites, TV and radio station and other media. ¬

Web design
The Web is not just a showcase: it is a huge information store and a place of dynamic exchange. LETTERAELLE creates websites that are easy to run and most customizable, reference-friendly and immediately profitable. Our offer ranges from the creation of both static and dynamic websites to their maintenance and management over time. ¬


As a result of years of experience and thanks to the cooperation with qualified partners and to an extensive service of mailing channels, LETTERAELLE can streamline the processes of marketing, advertising and distribution of the editorial product. ¬

Through direct marketing LETTERAELLE is able to communicate directly with the end user. Direct marketing enabling us to reach a predetermined target by means of specific actions, through a series of interactive media. ¬

The most popular media being used:

marketing/promotional/advertising communication by conventional mail (direct mail)
marketing/promotional/advertising communication by email (email marketing)
marketing/promotional/advertising communication by wireless networks (mobile marketing)
printed tear-off answer coupons attached to ads
TV commercials

Literature available for download:
Institutional brochure »

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